Using Reading to Learn Pedagogy to Support Non-Chinese Speaking Students Learning Chinese in Hong Kong
- Using Reading to Learn Pedagogy to Support Non-Chinese Speaking Students Learning Chinese in Hong Kong
- Cultural Responsive Teaching of Chinese for Ethnic Minority Students of Hong Kong
(1): This talk examines the effectiveness of “Reading to Learn, Learning to Write (R2L)” pedagogy (Rose, 2012) in teaching Chinese to Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students. The R2L pedagogy is a genre-based teaching method, providing explicit sufficient scaffolding for students in literacy learning. It was applied to teach students to read and write texts of different genres in secondary Chinese after school class in consecutive time periods in Hong Kong context. From the analysis of pretest and posttest as well as student interviews, this pedagogy has been proven effective in helping students increase their generic and linguistic repertoire in written Chinese composition.
(2) : The talk reviews a number of studies carried out about teaching Chinese language to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong and highlights the importance of a cultural responsive and empowering approach to it. The studies reveal emotional and practical challenges faced by schools, teachers, students and families, and their agency and methods used in overcoming the various hurdles. The studies on one hand indicated that school level curriculum innovation and teachers’ and students’ transformative experiences are crucial; yet on the other hand that the effectiveness has very much been constrained by the language education policy held fast by the authority.
Honorary Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research (CACLER), Division of Chinese Language and Literature, The University of Hong Kong
Associate Professor, Division of Mathematics and Science Education, The University of Hong Kong
About the Speaker
(1) Dr Mark Shiu-kee SHUM is an Honorary Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education in the University of Hong Kong, in the areas of Chinese language education, subject specific genres, and Chinese language across the curriculum. In recent years, his research extends to second language Chinese teaching, and IB Chinese curriculum.
(2) Dr Wing-wah KI is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong, in the areas of mathematics, technology and liberal studies education. In recent years, his research extends to Chinese second language acquisition, intercultural education development, and the application of phenomenographic theory in learning.
08 April 2016 (Friday), 12:45 - 02:00pm
12:45 - 02:00pm
Room 205, 2nd Floor, Runme Shaw Building , HKU
Professor Amy Tsui
Presentation Slide
Presentation Slide 1 :